Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Darkness Strange and Lovely Book Review

Book: A Darkness Strange and Lovely
Author: Susan Dennard
Teen Reviewer: Elisha Cutter
Rating: 2/5
A Darkness Strange and Lovely is about Eleanor who is part of an organization known as the spirit hunters and when her brother gets killed she preforms a ritual, but instead of bringing back her brother it brings back something else. Due to all the havoc the spirit is reeking, Eleanor must find a way to send the spirit back where it came from and return her brother's seamless reputation that has now been lost. 

Honestly, I was not a fan of this book. I made several attempts to finish the novel, but was unsuccessful. The story lacked any creativity and could barely keep my attention. Maybe, other readers will find it interesting and a good read, but I cannot say I enjoyed the overall read.